
When is Filecamp right for your business?

We understand that for many, managing digital assets needs to be a small part of someone’s job – not something that requires full attention and maintenance. That’s why we have built Filecamp.


Loved ones have many names – what to call your DAM

Filecamps two founders are originally from Denmark and there’s a Danish saying: “kært barn har mange navne.” Translated to English and according to Wikipedia it’s something like: “loved ones have many names.” However, it may apply to more cases than …


Does your DAM pass the test? 5 things you can improve today

Got a DAM solution already, but you’re not really happy with it? You don’t have to settle for mediocrity. Digital asset management is crucial for your team’s performance. With just a few tweaks, you can achieve a significant boost in …


What is Digital Asset Management (DAM)?

Digital Asset Management, or DAM, is a software solution for managing digital assets. These digital assets are typically images and videos, including Photoshop files, PDFs, MP4 files, and more.The term DAM can be applied to many software solutions, with the …


DAM Explained

Here we explain how a collaborative DAM solution helps small to medium-sized businesses manage their digital assets.