
…folder links Request files links Custom thumbnails Users Forgot password Change password/username Notifications Messages Remember me Log out Favorites Using Favorites Search Search for files & folders Collections Create Collection Add files to Collection Remove files from Collection Share Collection links Delete Collection Labels Using Labels Commenting Start Commenting Invite users to comment Trash Trash TIP: You can start a search by pressing the “/” key and exit a search by pressing the “ESC” key. Learn more about keyboard shortcuts.\n\n…

Quick Start Guide for new Admins

…from Collection Share Collection links Delete Collection Labels Using Labels Commenting Start Commenting Invite users to comment Trash Trash Admin Account General Domain Users Log Themes Labels Tags Shares WebDAV Pages Templates Storage Tech stuff Problem solving Browsers Filecamp Status Subscription Payment options Signup & secure Trial Billing information & plan upgrades VIDEO … or simply watch this! View a 4 minutes video that will take you through some of the basic tasks in Filecamp. See more Filecamp feature videos….

Share folder (without login)

…or a text of your own choice. Here is an example: Default share folder URL: “” Vanity share folder URL: “” \n\n Related articles Folders Create folder Edit folder Permissions Copy or move Delete Folder upload Share folder links Request files links Embedding via iFrame Custom thumbnails VIDEO SHARE FOLDER LINKS How to share a folder through a shared link, and what the recipients see. More videos Notice: Only users with permission to share files & folders can share folder…

Using labels

Using labels Use colored labels for files and folders for easier indexing. Administrators can customize labels by changing the text and color associated with each. Assign a label to a file or folder (method 1) Click the Three Dots Menu below the file/folder thumbnail. Choose Label change. Now choose the label you want to use from the pop-up window. Assign a label to a file or folder (method 2) You can also change the label on a file from the…


…browser or log out and log in again to see the change. Notice: The Default theme is always used on all subfolders. You can overrule this by assigning a different theme for a sub folder.\n\n Assign Theme to specific folder Assign Themes to folders … and give your users a customized look-and-feel when they log in to your Filecamp account. Assign Theme to a folder Navigate to the folder you want to change Theme on, then click the Info icon….

Filecamp heart - we love files


…to change your plan, click “Change Plan or Storage”. Your current plan is highlighted and you can change both plan and storage level. Remember to click UPDATE to save your changes. Billing Portal In the billing portal you can: Update payment methods, such as adding and removing credit cards Update your billing information, including your billing email address and contact details View your invoice history and download invoices Payment Method For your security and protection, Filecamp only displays the last…

Non Profit and Charity Organizations

…email to Make sure to provide these details: your organization’s legal name, its location, website, and a brief description of what you’re all about. The review process All applications reviewed and validated within 48 hours. If your application isn’t approved, you’re welcome to apply in the future if the charitable status of your organization changes. A note about our review process While everyone can use Filecamp, not every organization may meet our eligibility requirements to qualify for this program….

Uploading files

…or Choose folder, depending on which method you prefer. Note: You can select multiple files for upload by holding the Command or Control key (Mac or Windows, respectively) while selecting files and folders. You can also drag and drop files and folders directly into the desired folder within your Filecamp. Afterward, you’ll see a complete list of all the files and folders you’ve selected to upload. When you’re ready to start the upload, click UPLOAD. Once the upload is complete,…

Uploading folders

…the files. Click Upload to begin the process. Once the upload is complete, click OK, GOT IT to confirm. Related articles Folders Create folder Edit folder Permissions Copy or move Delete Folder upload Share folder links Request files links Custom thumbnails Notice: When uploading large and complex folder structures, you might have to adjust your computer’s Energy Saver settings to prevent your computer from going to sleep in the middle of an upload. Guide for Mac users. Guide for PC…

About Filecamp

…to organize company files; review, comment and approve projects in real-time; distribute brand materials, and make the right content available to others at the click of a button. Even small companies and freelancers are using Filecamp to share files and collaborate with their clients and partners. Boasting a rich feature set and a simple, yet powerful interface, Filecamp is used by over 100,000 users in more than 60 countries around the world. Filecamp was founded in 2010 by two Danes,…

Marketing Departments and Firms

…on Filecamp to deliver consistent brand messaging for their internal and external teams. Filecamp gives you all the benefits of marketing asset management software in a software as a service – SaaS platform. With Filecamp, your company images and other marketing materials are available in your very own Marketing Asset Management portal, online, anytime, 24/7 from your web browser. Your internal and external teams get secure access to the same marketing assets and media files from anywhere in the world….

Professional Image Library

…Filecamp for free. All features included. No obligation! Start my free trial No credit card required! Designed with your brand in mind Filecamp comes with some unique branding possibilities, and you can brand as many separate “sub-accounts” for your Filecamp as you’d like. You can customize the login page and overall logo and colors for each client to give them a unique experience that is centered on their brand. IMAGES Create an image gallery for your company images. Customize it…